Anita Kozlowski On Education

Anita Kozlowski On Education

Anita Kozlowski

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MICHAEL : I'm very privileged again to include Anita with us who's leave-taking to talk about how she has managed to change everyone from philosopher under performer to successful philosopher performer.

Anita, can you start up yourself to people again?

ANITA : Ciao Michael, my name is Anita Kezlowski. I live in Canada. I run a company called Continue Amid Power NLP Seminars - We specialize in nearby certified practitioner training, in save trainings, personal items and custom-made seminars - We just just right one for therapists in a boundary assurance jail - Sales seminars, and we are getting into flirtation seminars, at the same time as we are discrimination that this is a very main delivery in this world - particularly between the second flutter of youth - people that include been all through three divorces and are now matured for the fourth, successful, move out.

MICHAEL : Positive I shall look frontal to talking to you about that some far afield time - but that sounds ripe, and a true place anywhere you can help people.

Fortunate, we're leave-taking to talk about this philosopher under performance. If I can enlargement you of by saying - Can you tell us the client's initially situation? Because was their situation? Because was their problem? The untaken problem of the client?

ANITA : I see plenteous consumers in regards to philosopher under performance. I came to realise that no two personal belongings are very well the extraordinarily, and each troop is - As I would say - disparate.

In this personal troop I will talk about a young girl who was fifteen living old, who was unambiguously very bright, who was either blame exams articulately or being on the boundary of blame, which led to generous stress and discontent - and a far ahead coastal defenses to attending educational.

So that's my activist.

MICHAEL : Because would include happened had that continued? If you didn't do suchlike, if she didn't do suchlike, what would include happened?

ANITA : She would include dropped out of educational at the same time as she was at a point anywhere she omitted confidence with herself and for her stop at educational became so horrible that it became not pleasing. She had a crude group of psycho-somatic problems such as headaches, migraines, disparate items which kept back her from educational. Classic anxiety syndromes and it was only a matter of time ahead of time she would not be attending educational - Which was the involve, particularly, for her family.

Her evident level of plan was not like-minded with her level of performance apart from good attempts that she twisted.

MICHAEL : And at that state you opinion out what your consumers main situation is - Because are your own objectives/ Because did you want to do? Because oath were you aiming for?

ANITA : Visibly my objective would be that her philosopher performance would improve to the degree that she would be able to grasp at educational - The without delay objective would be to find out very well what is the fashion of the problem - How does she dash off this inability to perform rationally in situations anywhere it matters?

What's more activist as I've mentioned ahead of time, is disparate - Existing can be plenteous reasons leading to a personal oath. This was my first objective, at the same time as when establishing the fashion of the problem, the intervention is quite simple.

MICHAEL : So what did you efficiently do? Broadcast me some of the items you did in sequence, if sequence is immense.

ANITA : Specified. For instance I first saw this girl I saw that she was ahead of quite hideous to any change. She had disc plenteous therapists - She had as well as been diagnosed with all kinds of whole labels like ADD and god knows what ever medical aides are coming on the conduct. And she had displayed a generous degree of anxiety at the same time as she was ahead of expecting to be talked down to like ahead of time - so horizontal ahead of time I could receive in a seminar of the problem or demonstrate rapport with her - with I did by talk about items that are tediously having no effect to the issue.

I asked her about disparate items she did every single day. We discussed some of her friends and this got her to talk to me in the first place. Which she did.

Afterward, looking at her, and having met her mother who was a fine achieved professional, I got the feeling that show had been a generous charge of require on this son to perform rationally, which explained the degree of stress that she hardened. That was my presupposition.

So I theoretical 'I memory a time when I was attending educational, and I memory not being so good in maths and then coming home and being ever so disturbed of what my depart would say, at the same time as my depart was very single-minded.'

And I could see her eyes slim up and I could see that we coupled - and I knew that we were on the extraordinarily situate.

Afterward I switched the subject, and dead that lump open, and asked 'By the way, what do you do for fun?'

And she told me 'Oh I do foal jumping.' and she proceeded to tell me how she was a successful foal jersey and how she had been incoming countless competitions and efficiently lucrative them. Which was a good piece of information to utilise down the route.

So in that position we were in a state of rapport anywhere I could probe that problem and look at it.

So from then on, I theoretical to her make public me about this problem that you had in the in advance, that problem that you had in exams - at the same time as I figure out in philosopher situations show can be plenteous reasons for under performance, that could be simple items such as environmental concerns -such as noises and uncleanness or the desks - or a personal teacher that teaches in a way which isn't like-minded to the way that people system information.

Existing could be items like a lack of run through which could be easy to fix. Or show could be an reasonable corporeal reaction to the the exam, at which point the supporter wouldn't efficiently be able to see the exam, but be so busy trying to hole the problem that the exam itself would become having no effect at which point the disparate types of intervention would be clear.

And she told me that she goes to an exam and she sees the purpose that she's getting in the room that large charge of anxiety and stress - and the purpose she sits at the list she doesn't horizontal see the paper at the same time as everything is just translucent in belief of her.

So I theoretical to her 'Ok, let's say that you didn't unlimited the questions - Because would happen?' at the same time as I would need to figure out what under performance ever so designed to her - what are the cost.

And she would say 'I shady that my parents would slowly but surely get mad, and I will not get to that educational.' And show was a crude list of annoying items that could operate if she doesn't unlimited those questions reasonable - Which unambiguously would be very tormenting.

So I theoretical 'Ok. We've got three items to bond with there. We've got to alleviate the reasonable stress. We've got to train her to pay attention to the people in belief of her about the issue of stress more readily than talking about herself about how she can not do it. And three - you need to misappropriate the stress so that any sequence of activities in an exam situation becomes non tormenting for her.

At which point I theoretical 'Let's talk about the exams.' And I switched the subject to how I used to go to educational and I used to include a next of kin who was a teacher - a woman that used to come home - and how she would help yourself to a piece of paper and pen and was writing down questions that she would ask the students the considering day.

So I re- framed, to make a long story immediate, the exam into a piece of paper in which the test was written by a retired person who ever so had to do it for her job. So the exam became only a piece of a paper with items written on it.

And then I talked to her again about all the items that she liked, such as foal jumping. And I theoretical, in the role of do they throw of you? Because do you need to be a good foal jumper?'

And she theoretical show are X number of gates I include to hop over - I include to keep in mind it - I include to include a strategy of how to do it briskly.' And so on and so forth.

And I theoretical undisputable it's efficiently quite a lot of planning on your part, and strategy. I think that's a great success - I don't think that I could do that. That's pretty cool. So you're ever so good at planning and strategizing.'

ahead of time you efficiently hop, what is it that you do in order to condition yourself that you are able to do it?'

She theoretical warmly, simple. I unequipped my mind, I go into that state of peace and I say to for my part 'I am matured

I theoretical remark it - Say it very well how you include theoretical it.'

And she theoretical 'I am matured.'

So she had point me a strategy for success.

And I theoretical 'So efficiently when you get matured and unequipped your mind in that pattern, you ahead of figure out that you are leave-taking to get on with it?'

She theoretical undisputable. I include ahead of just right.'

I theoretical cool. You ahead of figure out how to gain recognition. Do you realise that if you include this ability you can use it any time that you want in situation in your life. It doesn't matter if it's foal jumping, answering questions on a piece of paper that everyone has indecipherable down the night ahead of time on their kitchen table and translated into a PC - If it's leave-taking for a first date or any of those items.'

The far afield items in her life were strategies that could be useful.

And I theoretical 'Let's dash off a a small amount of plan, at the same time as you ahead of figure out at the same time as we discussed these strategies go backward that we include cameras in our place, but we as well as include far afield cool diplomacy - any time you need to seep into this state of piece anywhere you need to say 'I am matured with that forceful voice, which you ahead of figure out you gives you pleasure to succeeded - You will just press this lever inside of you, which only you figure out about, and you will get show right show and then.'

So we installed this sympathetic of internal mechanism, which we skillful, and I could see a few times that she was getting into this state very briskly and fake that intrigue.

And I theoretical perfectly let's imagine you're walking into the room anywhere this piece of paper, which was written on a kitchen table the night ahead of time, will be untaken - ever so it will be pressed from a PC - and I want you to seep into that state.'

And she did.

I theoretical 'How do you feel?'

'I feel bottomless

'Ok now, sit down. and look at this piece of paper with all of these scribbles - Authentic for a purpose let it sit show."

And she did.

"How does it feel?"

She theoretical "I feel it's just a piece of paper with some scribbles on it."

I theoretical "Immediately. Now lets forget about that for now."

We of bearing did some installations show.

I theoretical perfectly do you like adventure?"

And she told me about camping and she theoretical undisputable.'

'Do you figure out about orienteering?'

She theoretical that she had done it a few times. She had been point a map and point some information and had to get from point A to point B.

"Isn't it exciting?"

She says "Yeah. I like the reasonable curious for the instruct way to get show and so on."

I theoretical "Immediately, you are point a overwhelming charge of information. For instance you look at so-called exams, which are whiz aristocratic then pieces of paper with stuff written on them - It's like a tough one. A lot of the information is ahead of point. That is, if you pay attention to it, all you include to do is to enter in the blanks - and as a matter of course show will be one straight or two blanks, it ever so doesn't matter - being point all this information makes it easy to figure out."

"So how about you assume it an discovery - a tough one - Authentic the extraordinarily way as when you are orienteering, or planning a camping spasm with your friends - You figure out how to get from point A to point B when you go on a ice climbing trail."

She says "Yeah."

So I say "The corporation is what you pay attention to is what matters. If you were talking to yourself saying that you couldn't do it, unambiguously you didn't include the time or take five to horizontal look at the puzzles that are in belief of you. You constrain as well be thought scrutinize. It makes no difference whether you are talking to yourself, or thought TV or reading a book - How about paying attention and curious for overwhelming clues?'

She theoretical 'Yeah, that is efficiently ripe.'

So I then had a book of puzzles with me which I had used when I was at the pool with my offspring.

I theoretical "OK, I will give you a tough one and I would like you to hole it, no matter how long it takes."

I theoretical that it was very easy, which it was, and she solved it. I asked her how she did.

She theoretical "Positive I read the question, and I read for all of the pieces of information and then I filled in the straight."

I theoretical very well. So that's very well what you do For instance you're untaken with a piece of paper with scribbles on it from the night ahead of time - by, possibly a very tired teacher. Neighboring time that you go all through this situation you will utilization your seamless forte - you will get into that state and then you will just look at this as an discovery, as a spasm - in a kink of information anywhere you will find your way.'

She theoretical bottomless

Afterward we talked about entertaining items. And then I asked her a few become familiar with questions, for example from tough one books - which she answered with great publicity.

And I theoretical 'This is the given attitude you will use every time you enter into a tormenting situation - And you will do glowing well from now on.'

So she went home, and her mother phoned me a few existence once and theoretical 'It's fantastic, she got ninety eight per cent on her former maths exam!'

I theoretical "That's pretty cool."

Compared to what she was getting just a month go backward it was a great improvement.

That's the immediate review of what took place.

MICHAEL : Sound. And again, looking to the far ahead - Because difference to you think that it's leave-taking to make to this son, this youth's life?

ANITA : It's leave-taking to make a large difference, at the same time as first of all she was retrained to look at items in a disparate pattern. She got rid of her fear and somewhat calm a state of souvenir, which is in my opinion a essential state to include to be at educational. In the need of souvenir I shady people are not prospective to gain recognition.

At the extraordinarily time she realized that she's in upbraid of her own mission and she is in course of her own performance. Of bearing once one we as well as reframed her dependency on her responses to emerge environments so that she was not dependant psychologically on the reply that she standard from her parents - at the same time as when all it was her discovery, just like a horseback riding equal.

MICHAEL : And to take notes again - what are the learning points you've active out? Is show suchlike that you would like to add or any learning points that you think are particularly of require in this case?

ANITA : As I theoretical, every problem is disparate and has a disparate fashion. So when we firm disparate problems we firm it on amalgamated levels - But maintenance an concealed hypothesis which leads to a personal oath. And at the extraordinarily time when you work with disparate consumers with disparate problems you utilise all the methods in concert, right from the purpose of team information.

Because I've opinion is that people will smoothly think little of the fascinate of team information and team the fashion of the problem. Not only is it most important for us as practitioners to lift change, at the same time as in order to do it we need to understand the fashion very well of how they constructed the problem - but at the extraordinarily time it as well as gives us an space to enlargement in force with the activist because team information all through a quantity of reframing patterns.

We can kindness immense changes whereas reframing information.

And at the extraordinarily time I as well as opinion that we can generate a client's strategy, a client's confer strategies - motivation strategies and meta programs - all those items that we can utilise once on all through the system of interventions when we include voted the fashion of the problem.

So - No two consumers are the extraordinarily. And no two problems are very well the extraordinarily - each one is a new place that we need to approach with an open mind and ask the commentary questions, which are smoothly aristocratic far reaching that the truthful problem that we see in them - What smoothly the problem that people present is not the problem show is.

So when I look at problems (So called.) I don't trip only on the without delay problem which they shady it is - Impartially the inborn fashion in which the problem occurs, so that we can furnish a a small amount of change at the level of the problem but as well as so we can see it voguish the global fashion voguish which it happens.

MICHAEL : That's ever so ever so good. And ever so just to undivided off, can you remembrance people of your contact film if human being would like to contact you?

ANITA : My invite number is 7809226177 and our website is or And we include an entrance certified practitioner training September third 2010. You are aristocratic than appetizing to do.

MICHAEL : Sound. Thank you very extreme definitely.

ANITA : My marvel.

You can read aristocratic about the army Michael offers from his NLP Education Rites Record

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