Controversial app offers bribes for dates, A new app called Carrot Dating lets users bribe their way into dates with anything from coffee to a new pair of boobs. While the app is somewhat controversial and admittedly superficial, Carrot Dating cuts the crap surrounding most matchmaking technology, and lets users give and receive what they want out of each other.
"Messaging may get her interested, but bribery will get you a date," reads an official description of the app. "Online dating is a superficial game. With Carrot Dating, you won't get rejected before you even get a chance. Convince singles that spending time with you is worth it by making an offer that they simply cannot refuse."
Mkay, so maybe the mention of "bribery" isn't making the app's case, but aren't all relationships bribery in a way, like a two-headed donkey with a carrot on each end? I require my guy to be kind, my guy requires me to have sex with him regularly be caring, and we both require someone who makes us sh*t our pants from laughter on a daily basis. Although our "bribes" aren't tangible, they're bribes nonetheless.
"Some people call our app superficial, but it's other dating apps are pretty superficial," Carrot Dating founder Brandon Wade told RYOT. "You're looking at pictures and voting either thumbs up or thumbs down based on what you think a person looks like. We've added an extra component - the bribe - to help affect the person's decision. Putting something on the table lets the other person know you're serious about going on a date, and it gives them more incentive to say, 'yes.' The purpose of the bribe is to improve the chances of a first date."
Wade says men most often bribe women with flowers or dinner. Women tend to offer up drinks, coffee or lunch. (You hear that, fellas? Girls wanna buy YOU drinks!) Users can currently choose from 20 built-in bribes; a shopping spree is one of them, but Wade doesn't think the app is built for gold diggers.
"Creepy people are everywhere," he told us, "but I don't necessarily think Carrot Dating is going to attract a bunch of gold diggers. There are other dating sites, and I'll admit I've launched some of them myself, that target gold diggers. But with Carrot, I'm really trying to bring the generosity component of dating down to the mainstream. Dinner, drinks, coffee and flowers are all things that should be exchanged when people date. That's not to say that there aren't certain bribes on the site that gold diggers wouldn't be interested in, but that's not the point of the app."
Haters can say what they want about Carrot Dating. In some cases, they might be right. But I know a lot of girls who wouldn't mind a bouquet of roses, and a lot of guys who'd be down to grab a few free drinks. And at the most superficial level, at least the app helps creeps find skanks so that they can leave the rest of us alone.
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