Remembering Lucas

Remembering Lucas
Note: I didn't plan a network today while of mystery smooth out NBC will air this afternoon for the Olympics. As it turned out, put on was a network, so I dutifully began typing up today's post. Not that DOOL repeats itself a good deal, but I was close at hand to the first break before I realized they were feeding due the awfully occurrence they fed Friday! I be in possession of no idea why they would do this, unless it would be to give people the jubilation of seeing Melanie glue again. Despite the consequences, put on was a network, but I count on we want say it didn't count.

As far as I report, this is the only time at home the 2010 Unfeeling Olympics that NBC will preempt DOOL, so at home that time the show and Prevuze will settle as customary.

When put on was no (new) network, we be in possession of dominated today to get the hang of Lucas, who will be passing the show for good this week (meaning he'll be off the show until the producers mediate they can make a big leg and strengthening ratings by bringing him back). So without addition folderol, let's be carried down connection method...

The same as can you say about Lucas Desmond Roberts Horton as he departs Salem? Lucas Horton... historic in love... prankster royale... stimulate of lips and lengthy of mind... A sport on Living Of Our Lives for example 1993, we barely knew ye, Lucas. Skillfully, that's not due true. Legitimacy is, we knew ye a minute too well.

Equally you look up "schmuck" in the dictionary, all you see is a prospect of poor Lucas. Proceeds, for example his relationship with Nicole Rambler. She loved him so a good deal it only took five million bucks to get her to get married him. Or perceive the skeleton of Carrie Brady. His young love, Lucas in due course snagged her as he approached average age and concerning a couple weeks one time the bridal Carrie was so dominated with him she was statute the rooftop tango be intended for nekkid with none one-time than Lucas' own brother. And Chloe, who departed him bordering on as fast for her perverted octopus of a doctor.

But after that put on was Sami. Sami Brady... his broken-bed, couch-sex, underwear racing soul mate, who married him and vowed to be with him plain-spoken crusted and thin, plain-spoken all the animation of their lives. Until, that is, she departed him to get married her rapist* so he wouldn't get ticked off.

*"OK, rapist, non-rapist, guy who be adjacent to her to be in possession of sex, guy who thought he was dreadful for it and that made it OK, the guy who unintentionally had sex with her, it was heartfelt a deep-seated night of true love... whatever you want to call it, we're not on all sides of to discussions that."

Among four marriages under his tie and yet to remember a first local holiday, I count on put on is one target you can say about Lucas. "He condition be in possession of the sex oddness of a shell heaving plain-spoken a saline informer."

Lucas Horton... the guy who had a normal for veto his close relative, who's architect never had a distrust that didn't in some way work its way to his tongue, who had less of an ability to call in on employed than he did to call in on married... well, the guy had one capability for explicit. As a manageable play the fool, Lucas had no flush. Particular say he enormously said the "dog poo in the alight booty" trick and in his career has made use of fire extinguishers, paint cans and rumor has it he keeps a box of saran swathe in the bathroom.

"And after that put on was his stamp. Lucas has landed elder sucker-punches than jobs for explicit. If Lucas Horton hasn't landed a sucker-punch on your edge, you haven't been to Salem. And that goes for the guys, too."

But, hey, Lucas, we kid while we care - Not to costing we along with kid while top figure of it is true. So how do we pay tax to this stately character (and, lets edge it, if Lucas was anything he was absolutely a character) who now foliage the show? Skillfully, they say a prospect is operation a thousand words. So on all sides of it is, our "50,000 word" photo essay recollection Lucas plain-spoken the soul...


Dearest Prevuze:

In your opinion, do the words "doofus" and "Lucas" rhyme? If so, do you think put on is everything to it, or is it just a coincidence?

Hard-hitting in Salem

* * *

Dearest Stupe:

Wow. We never distrust of that before. Let's just try it out and see if it works...

In attendance afterward was a young man named Lucas

Who behaved like a intense doofus

Wives, he had three*

Right away a bachelor he'll be

dispute his basis are in his tucas.

Gosh, it seems to work for us, so we'd be in possession of to say they do sonnet. And we don't begin to have in coincidences.


*"Creative appeared in Prevuze Tuesday, October 09, 2007"

Oh, Lucas we are so separation to miss you. You be in possession of provided Prevuze with so a good deal material and now put on is concrete to be a void. But we understand. You be in possession of to amateur. Toll calls. Out put on somewhere... contemporary town needs a colony idiot.

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