The Good Man Genocide

The Good Man Genocide
Good men are, quite frankly, a dying breed. You know this because not a day goes by without some liberal, female, or Millennial (sometimes all three) columnist writing about the dearth of Good Men available. The Manosphere answered that question long ago: they were there in your twenties, working, and looking for some girl to marry. Women are positively glacial in coming to the horrific realization that for most of the best years of their lives they overlooked them in favor of a quick nail-n-bail with the silver-tongued, tatted-up local. They usually crash into the truth right around their thirties when they've moved past/used up the most desirable years of their lives. Blazing a trail of used condoms, dried up tears, and abandonment is a wonderful way to spend one's youth, isn't it? The deception involved in convincing almost the entire female population of the West that they're supposed to be as openly sexual as possible is a work of mad genius in that it ensured only the alphaest of men would get laid with depressing ease. Sure, not all women are like that, but that's irrelevant since not every man can now have a decent woman.

Quite frankly, there's been a genocide committed against 'good men'. Since women are largely the gatekeepers of sex (explained: men want sex more than women, ergo, women have the upper hand. simple economics, to put it mildly.), men respond to changes in women's desires. If the bulk of women like men that don't wear jeans, then men will respond by not wearing jeans. The herd instinct is powerful for men and nearly indomitable for the average woman. Men can set the standard for what women desire, in a sense, but that is only if men are the ones with their hands on the cultural levers of power in a nation. Men have not been that way since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, so women set the tastes and men respond in kind. Women have been told to be as promiscuous as possible since it's their right to do so, but since women do not often choose to override their hypergamous instincts they still want to sleep with the best man they can find.

What this has lead to is the douche-baggiest of men getting the most women during the prime of their lives, while the average (majority) man is scheduled to work his ass off during his twenties until his value takes a dramatic rise when he hits his early 30s. It's only then that he becomes desirable to women, not the least because he's established, has a job, a home, and a steady income. By that point, however, he doesn't want to date women his age, he wants younger women because it's what he can get.

Women his age are absolutely, frothing-at-the-mouth furious that he goes after younger women, solely because they cannot compete with them. Women in their 30s do not have the advantage that married-young women have, namely, the "love goggles effect". Men who marry women when they're at their absolute hottest will always see them that way, excluding radical changes in appearance like massive weight-gain, facial tattooes, or shaved heads. Women who are in their 30s and unattached are seen exactly as they are: in terminal decline. Women in their 20s are at their peak attractiveness, and also at their most sexually powerful. Men in their 30s are at their physical, financial, and mental peaks, which means they are at their most powerful. The Great Reversal takes place around the age of 30, and women handle it with customary grace and serenity that we've expected of them...LOL! The only reason that men have not unilaterally gone into full-on asshole mode is that they are still being raised to be "nice guys".

If parents informed young boys and men of the nature of the modern young, liberated female, feminism would collapse overnight. The about-face of modern men would trigger a cultural windstorm that would sweep feminism off the face of America for good, at which point modern women would decide that they really do want men to marry them and not just use them for an evening of fun and then disappear. Unfortunately, by that point, those men would not only not commit, they would avoid girls even looking for commitment. That reality is not the one we live in....yet.

One of the other downsides to feminism is that it has infected the churches with ideological poison, ensuring that they rot from within until they're powerless to reform or effect society in any meaningful way. Men are slowly waking up across the country and realizing that the sham they've been dealt is not one they have to live with. For commitment-oriented men, they're abstaining from marriage in their 20s until they're older, more secure, and able to date younger women than their peers. For men not interested in commitment, there's always Game or lots of alcohol. Usually both. Women have made it all-too-clear that they are simply not after the good men that are available, they would much rather a man who embodies the ideal they've been brainwashed into believing is their birthright. Even the nicest of them crave men who are not good if it means they're not "boring". The time for committment is only as a last-resort and one of desperation, but by then they usually have to truly settle for the bottom-of-the-barrel types that they would never have approached in their prime. Unattached, men become picky with age, and women become desperate. Because they can....and because they have no choice, respectively.

The Good Man genocide is currently underway and will reach fruition when the Millennials have attained adulthood and the generation after them is on the rise. This is, of course, if society does not undergo a fundamental transformation thanks to the severity of a devastating crisis; that is the scenario I am expecting rather than the sexual dystopia I've been writing about. Women have spent their capital in ways not beneficial to anyone but the alphas, for alphas grow desirable with each conquest whereas women grow less desirable. This is due to the rule that a man who has been with many women has been thoroughly vetted and found desirable by The Herd, as opposed to a man who cannot easily get with a woman is clearly undesirable, as per The Herd's omnipotent strangehold over the young woman's mind. Women who have a low or non-existent notch count are desirable because it means men get to be the first, they're not being compared to previous lovers, and they can trust her. Certainly, men that are polygamous or who have a history of cheating on their lovers are not trustworthy either, but that's not the point. Those men aren't likely to commit anyway, but almost every woman wants marriage regardless of how she spends her 20s.

The fact of the matter is this: Women unintentionally cripple their ability to get married by acquiring a high notch count in their 20s, as the men their age see them correctly for the used-up tramps that they are. Who wants a used car with 170,000 miles and two accidents when you can get a new or barely-driven one instead?

Where have all the good men gone? On with the rest of their lives, perhaps to someone that respects them and loves them. In either case, the aging feminist or promiscuous former cutie is left behind wondering why she is no longer able to attract a man by simply flicking her hair. The answer is simple: the good men grew up and went on to other things, while she stayed Forever 21 until she couldn't any longer. The agony single men in their 20s feel last a brief time, but that of the unattached woman in her 30s lasts, most likely, for the rest of her life. Some would say this is unfair, but actions have consequences, and effect succeeds cause, meaning that when you use yourself up and brazenly ignore/mock desirable men in your youth, you have gotten exactly what you wanted, which is to remain outside committment. Oh sure, that's not REALLY what she wanted. She wanted the millionaire handyman to sweep her off her feet once she's aged out of the sexual marketplace, but as most thinking adults would agree, it's not smart to bet your livelihood on the lottery. And wasting the prime of your life fulfilling Phase One of the plan on the one in a billion chance you'll actually meet said millionaire is a fool's game.

But nobody said these people were bright, only that they were easy.


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