At my book club believe night (see the Assume Slam tab on to learn choice about these lovely ladies) we not only discussed our nominate read for the month (see my review of the amusing "Domestic Violets "Taking part in), but as well the erotica Dom-sub logic "Fifty Shades of Grey".
I still haven't read "Fifty" but I basic see what it's all about in two shakes of a lamb's tail. My friend Sally wasn't stamped by the writing but there's merely something in acquaint with that keeps you reading.
Sally shared one theory about our attraction to books like "Sunset" and "Fifty": women want to be considered necessary. Edward and Christian yearn for their matter of atmosphere so faraway that they become possessive and stalkerish, and women are oppressed to such worship.
Do "you" worth erotica? Why do you think "Fifty Shades of Grey" is so popular?
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