Hypnotherapy For Pain Management

Hypnotherapy For Pain Management
I'm really pleased to be reading that more people are now willing to use hypnosis for minor operations instead of the traditional form of anesthesia, with surgeons now working alongside hypnotherapists. This makes it easier to show to my patients that controlling and substantially reducing their pain is something easily learnt.

Using hypnotherapy for pain management in a surgical environment has a really high success rate too and it was being used all the way back in the early 1900s when anesthesia was far more dangerous.

I teach my clients how to use self hypnosis so that they can control their pain and discomfort easily and quickly. What makes it so successful is, in part, because we all use behaviours in every day life that are similar to those I use to help clients for pain management. One obvious example is how, when dreaming, we completely disassociate from our body. Nature doesn't want us to act out our dreams so we experience temporary loss of feeling and paralysis, known as catalepsy. This dreaming state, known as REM, is very similar to the state of hypnosis with catalepsy being a common side affect. The difference is that with hypnosis you can orchestrate your ability to shut off the pain so it is under your control.

Another part of our make up as human beings is the ability to delete and distort some of the information we receive through our senses. For instance the way our pain receptors switch off temporarily when we go into shock from an accident or how we can be so absorbed in an activity such as reading a book or watching TV that we become unaware of other sounds or even feelings such as a desire to go to the toilet. Through my work as a therapist I help clients feel empowered to use these abilities to allow them greater control, so they can develop powerful pain management techniques.

To learn more about how I help clients with pain management please click here or contact me for your free consultation here.

The post Hypnotherapy For Pain Management appeared first on LawrenceMichaels.co.uk.

Origin: loveknowsnoage.blogspot.com

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