Do Russian Women Want To Get Out Of Russia

Do Russian Women Want To Get Out Of Russia
I hear this question so often: "Why do Russian women want to get out of Russia?" In my experience, in Russia, you will not meet many women who actually are looking Russian girl to or are considering leaving Russia for another country if you take love and romance out of the equation. I can think of 3 reasons for this:1. They love their country, their family and friends.2. They usually enjoy their career and basically live a full, interesting life enjoying things like theater, movies, museums, bowling, pool, art, nature and travel.3. Economy is in decent shape in Russia so many women who get their university degree or two (and a lot of them do) have relatively high paying jobs that afford them the opportunity to enjoy the things mentioned above, plus a car and even ownership of an apartment.Things really did change tremendously in Russia compared to the 90s and early 2000s when many women would do anything to get out of there to have a chance at a decent life in the West. Those days are long gone, so get used to it.I find that the only thing that really frustrates women who are not in a good relationship with a man is the fact that it is so hard to find a decent, non-drinking, non-cheating man in Russia and Ukraine who would like to be in a serious, monogamous relationship/marriage. Some Russian women will give a Western man a chance if they find him attractive, intelligent and interesting they may even agree to leave everything behind and move to another country with him if they can envision having a solid relationship and kids with him.I find that in Ukraine things didn't progress as nicely politically and economically speaking for general population compared to Russia. It's not as bad as it used to be in the 90s off course but still for most common folk life isn't as good as in Russia. many people are very frustrated with ramped corruption and the government led by an ex con. The bottom line is that many Ukrainians just don't see a bright, prosperous future in Ukraine for themselves no matter how hard they try because of the outside factors they can't control, hence you will find more people there who do want to "get out" and move to the West. Still I think that the majority would prefer to make a life at home where their' roots are. MLM Profit Marketing System


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