Get back with your ex
If you are in a relationship that is having trouble you may find yourself wondering if there is a right time to end a relationship. Just how do you know when to make that decision that there is no future for you and your partner? If you have spent months or even years with this person it can be a very difficult decision to end that relationship.Some people will find that they still love their partner but they know deep down that the relationship is going nowhere and they don't have a future together. But when you still love a person you don't want to let that relationship go. You will consider all the options including staying with the person hoping that your love will be enough to save the relationship.
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There are other couples who think that their relationship is too difficult and just give up without really thinking it through and discovering whether there is a future or not. The problem with this is that often these couples are meant to be together and if they work at improving their relationship they could have a happy future together.
Then there are the people who are in a terrible relationship but they stay together and keep on trying to make it work. Their friends and family tell them they are wasting their time and they should break up but they continue in their failing relationship. Even when infidelity is involved, they stay together in the hope that the cheating partner won't do it again and everything will work out. In this scenario it is usually best to end the relationship but they just can't seem to make that decision and this is often because they are more scared of being alone than they are of staying in the relationship.
It can be very difficult to know when to end a relationship and you don't want to rush into making such a big decision. There are situations where it should be obvious such as an abusive relationship, but even in these cases many people still stay in the relationship. There is no excuse for abuse and if you are being abused then you should make that decision immediately to end the relationship. There are no second chances and there is no point telling yourself that it will get better because it rarely does in this type of situation.
If you're partner has cheated on you then it can be difficult to make the decision to leave. If he has only cheated once there is a good chance it may never happen again and you can work through it. If he has been cheating for a long time or has cheated on more than one occasion then it isn't likely that he'll change and you really should consider moving on.
There is no easy way to know the right time to end a relationship and it will all depend on each individual situation. Sometimes it is helpful to take a break for a couple of days on your own so you can clear your head and have a good think about the situation. Take a good look at the relationship and what has been happening and then decide whether this is the person you really want to spend the rest of your life with. Then you can decide whether the relationship is worth saving or whether you should end it now.
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