Blatant Liar

Blatant Liar
I am new to this forum, but lately I have too many things stressing me out. So I decided that instead of facing this anguish by myself, I ll ask for opinions. I met this guy a few months ago (September 2014). We started out being study partners over skype. So basically I was in no way interested in him because I had never seen him. eventually things moved to showing pictures and him flirting with my over skype. I am usually very good at detecting liars, but not this time. I fell for the sweet words, the flattery. I am extremely busy and nothing mattered more to me at that time than my studying for the boards. But anyway, his lies got me thinking he was really all into me. Even though we studied on skype he knew I lived only minutes away from him but I prefered skype because I did not want to get distracted or I wasnt overly attracted to him.

So this flirting while studying period lasted for about 45 days. At that point he was able to completely convince me with all the lies that he was totally into me. So he pleaded to meet up. I was about to leave in 5 days, so I decided what the heck, lets just go I wont lose anything by giving myself a two day break.

When we met up he took me out for dinner, there was kissing, but NO sex! He went down on me a couple times but I was hesitant, but anyway I returned the favor.But no sex, And ONLY because I stopped! ThankGod, or else the bastard would have really hurt me. So all off a sudden the last day before me leaving he said hes sick. He came over to say goodbye, offered a ride. But he said he couldnt kiss because he was sick. Looked very fishy to me. But I was like whatever. Anyways so I leave the city, and we are supposed to continue studying but he is still sick. ( I knew something was fishy, and just continued with my life) without thinking much of it.

Now two days ago I found out that this dude got ENGAGED in AUGUST 2014!Exactly a month before he met me! HAHAHA laughs at me?! NOPE laughs at HIM! Because he had to LIE to me to try to get me in BED! what a LOSER!

ANYWAYS, firstly I was never invested in him, so I am not hurt. What I am pissed off about is the LIES. Because when someone lies to me, It makes me think that I am a FOOL. what would you girls do in this situation? Would you confront him, or would you let him deal with the guilt? Obviously he feels guilty, atleast I hope so. I have no time to deal with this nonsense, but at the same time if I do confront him its going to be some nasty words from my mouth and negativity in my life. I am very busy right now to deal with this. I am very stressed with multiple other things in my life to deal with this. I feel so sorry for his Fiance, because this guy is definitely the type that would do it again if he meets a naive innocent overly friendly girl like me. Anyways, what would you girls do?

Thanks a ton, sorry for the long post xoxox


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