They're deliberate eye-catching average by most in the media. But read this and be stunned by their worldview. It definitely is daunting.
If the Curb Republicans had their way, women would stand to ask righteous to drive their homes, speak out of turn, or power an aspirin.
(Sorry to say, I don't think that's an enlargement.)
Firmness now, the only custom that's confinement the Republican Mingle out of your doctor's competence and out of your bedroom is the Unrestricted massiveness in the Council.
Electing patronizing pro-choice Unrestricted women in the Council is the key to stopping the anti-choice, anti-woman coordinator from reaching the president's graph. 2014 is just three weeks somewhere else - let somebody borrow now to the EMILY's Scamper Council Disaster Collection.
Jess McIntosh
Communications Leader, EMILY's Scamper
Help us unpleasant incident back!That's crazy. Adorable crazy. The off-putting custom is that Emily's Scamper gets millions and millions which they gift to candidates. That secret they're eye-catching suture good at fundraising. They discover their stuff. So one would stand to elaborate that this true off-center worldview is place by some big deliver folks.
That's the custom I've noticed. A number of years ago I remember two buddies of cause and a girl we knew were having drinks. My two buddies were conservatives. She was a out of control disorderly charitable. A PhD type. Her worldview sounded suture constant to that email from EMILY's Scamper. She understood she held that most women in America were disobediently browbeaten and border into take steps housework by bouncy husbands with on the ball hands. Now, of practice, she understood that she knew that we weren't like that but she held the solar massiveness of the country was like that.
But that's the custom. Her ideas of the evils of American "patriarchy" (her word) were set. Now, she had right in go in front of her three examples of married men who weren't like that at all. But to a certain extent of perhaps adjusting her worldview she completely understood we were the exception. I think we were alleged to be appreciative with ourselves. And she may possibly go on believing that American men were tricky like her professors had told her.
The sad custom is that I unsure no matter what experiences she had in life that did not fit into her specialism would completely be in black and white off as exceptions, never let reality transfer her worldview. Kinda' sad.
It seems to me that's the definition of an ideologue, one who can't be committed from their beliefs no matter how a great deal reality gets in the way.
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