How A Pickup Artist Wannabe Can Get Their Momentum Back

How A Pickup Artist Wannabe Can Get Their Momentum Back
Plenty of people have given me advice. And just like passively reading a book taking their advice like a grain of salt won't get you anywhere.

If you have that pickup artist spirit in you. Don't go back to being that lame excuse for life that cannot approach a girl. Approach at least 5 girls a week to keep your momentum, to keep your belief that when youy hit on a girl, when you tak to a stranger that there can actually be nice people out there. Don't forget things that made it effortless to approach a girl.

For example when my motives were "I had to find out if you're as gorgeous on the inside as you are on the inside" or "my goal was to make your day" it made it much easier.

So let's revisit

- a fillipino dude told me that you should not look "too eager" when approaching a woman

- a girl told me that I should not be so clingy. And after I get a girls number don't text her for 5 days.

-her other advice is that girls are stupid and less shallow then men in general and some girls would even date a bum on the street.

..I just wanted to thank that girl for giving me hope. I was "lucky" to meet her and have her heal my negative attitude and for that I am grateful. I offered her advice back in hopes to give her a new perspective on things with her boyfriend.

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