He S Not Even Trying To Get The Girl

He S Not Even Trying To Get The Girl Image
I don't like to boil down the art of attracting women into rules, because it can make it seem as if it must be memorized rather than understood. However, when first learning how to attract women, to save you time, it sometimes helps to know WHAT to do, and then learn the WHY later.

So one of the biggest "WHAT to do's" is really what NOT to do:


In a nutshell, the reason WHY is because the more comfortable you REALLY feel, the less of a need to qualify yourself you would ever feel. Thus, the act of qualifying yourself shows a woman that you feel you are NOT worth her time, that you feel you are NOT on her "level".

The reverse is also true, the more you show you ARE comfortable, the more you show you ARE on her level.

Ultimately, when you inner game is top-notch, all this comes naturally.

Interestingly, in that famous pub/bar scene in Good Will Hunting where Ben Affleck's character is trying to pick up a girl in a college pub where he is not part of that college or anything, the main reason his character isn't successful is because it's obvious he's trying too hard to pretend that he is part of the college.

He's trying to qualify himself.

And this is something that 99% of ALL men do with women, I did it myself CONSTANTLY before learning this stuff.

Instead, if he had NOT tried to pretend that he was part of the college (which doesn't mean that he should focus on mentioning that he is NOT part of the college- as this would be showing that in his mind, he thought this was such an important thing as if he had to 'confess' a sin) and if he had INSTEAD just focused on vibing and enjoying the moment with the girl, he would have done much better.

The clip here shows the whole thing, and also it's cool how Damon's character wins the day and also destroys the "status" of the jerk by doing the ultimate thing- showing how the jerk is TRYING TO GET STATUS! Trying to show worth is the ultimate in proving lack of worth.

It's also clear that Will (Matt Damon's character) is not trying to show off (he's not even trying to get the girl) or qualify himself, but rather is just trying to defend his friend from this jerk.

This is a great scene that is realistic in its portrayal of how trying to 'act' like you're someone else, in the effort to gain approval, is the opposite of cool.

So don't worry at ALL about not being part of any "club" or "circle" or "college" or "clique", instead just focus on being comfortable and never qualify yourself.

To get your "inner game" in TOP shape, so that you do all the right things to attract women NATURALLY without even having to THINK about it, go HERE:


Till next time,

Michael Marks

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