You Know How The Experts Out There Tell Men To

You Know How The Experts Out There Tell Men To Image
You know how the "experts" out there tell men to

"think POSITIVE" when it comes to approaching

women and when it comes to solving the issue

of approach anxiety i.e. the anxiety that comes

when you see a woman you want to approach?

They say things Like "You can get her! Go up to

her and approach her! She's yours!"

Or how about this one:

"Don't worry about rejection! She WON'T reject you!"

Well, the truth is, this "THINK POSITIVE" advice

only works if you ALREADY are 99% confident !

For example, a gifted athlete who is already super

confident about his abilities in his sport will do even

better if he focuses on "thinking positive".

He already has TONS of confidence, but if he can

just learn to think TOTALLY positive, he will then be

FULLY confident, he will gain that 1% that he was


Similarly, positive thinking when it comes to approaching

women is great, IF you are ALREADY doing AMAZING.

But this lucky "amazing" situation, when it comes to

men approaching women, does NOT apply to 99%

of the entire male population!

Most of us are just NORMAL human beings, who need

something MORE powerful than just "positive thinking"

to overcome approach anxiety and the barriers we feel

internally when we want to approach women.

In fact, if you are trying to get your "foot in the door",

so to speak, when wanting to approach a woman,

then trying to "thinking positive" is the absolute

WORST thing you can do for yourself!

It WON'T solve the approach anxiety!

Trying to think "positive" can actually make you far

MORE ANXIOUS about yourself and about your

chances of success!

The reason for this is because when you TELL yourself

not to worry because "everything will be great and she

will want me
", you end up even LESS confident, as

deep down, burning stronger and stronger, with every

"wishful thought" is the OPPOSITE thought, the most

negative thought:


The more a man tries to "be positive and NOT think

" the more powerful the negative thoughts

become, till they are overwhelming.

Plus, the contrast between the "positive wish" and

the very real fear of the actual WORST makes the

fear even more overwhelming!

I should know, I used to try to "pump myself up"

with just using "positive thinking" for YEARS and

it often made me LESS confident.

Here's the other thing to realize as well: You gain

deep, inner core confidence NOT from "thinking

nice positive confident thoughts
" so much as from


After learning all this the HARD WAY, I have

broken it all down into an EASY to understand,

step-by-step PROVEN METHOD for destroying

ALL inner doubts, anxieties, and fears about

approaching women.

I designed this course so you can master these skills

QUICKLY and OBLITERATE approach anxiety

once and for all.

It's all been perfectly organized into a JAM-PACKED

1 HOUR AUDIO program that is pure GOLD.

The bottom line is, if you don't approach women,

then no matter how skilled you are, NOTHING will

happen. You can't stand around expecting women

to initiate or you are really just depending on luck.

It's not that women are lazy about approaching men,

as once a woman is attracted to a man, she will

pursue him to the ends of the earth.

Women don't want to have to do the first approach

because women feel that it is more MANLY for the

MAN to do the initial approach.

In addition to this, there's ANOTHER important reason

why YOU should do the approach:

It's because it sends the right message to a woman

when she sees that YOU approached HER, and she

then realizes that the same way you were able to

approach her, you could also approach OTHER

women even if they are total strangers, if she

doesn't treat you right.

This helps ensure that she never takes you for granted.

Being pro-active about approaching women first tells

a woman ALL THE RIGHT THINGS about you before

you even open your mouth!

Waiting for a woman to approach YOU says all the

WRONG things.

Right now, at the very moment you are reading this,

there are TONS of women around you who are

single! In fact there have never been more single

women in history than there are today.

But nothing will happen if you don't take action to

obliterate approach anxiety and approach these

women in the first place.

And although you can meet women online, the

REALITY is that the CONFIDENCE that comes

from being able to approach women ANYWHERE

in the REAL world SPILLS OVER into ALL of your

interactions with women, no matter where you

meet them.

Women can tell right away that they are dealing with

a man who has OPTIONS.

You will be radiating this confidence without even

thinking about it, it will come through in your thoughts,

body language, and tonality.

Plus, when a woman senses you can approach other

women, you ALWAYS become more attractive

to her, it's far more VALIDATING to her self-esteem

because she knows you could have chosen a billion

other women INSTEAD OF HER, but you decided to

approach and chat with HER.

She can detect this confidence in a MICROSECOND,

I promise you that.

She can also detect a LACK of this confidence just

as instantaneously.

OBLITERATING "approach anxiety" is absolutely


If you are only relying on the women that fall into your

lap through introductions or through "luck" you are

going to be waiting FOREVER to meet the right woman.

On top of that, you're also going to be so starved for

female attention, that chances are you will become

needy and weak around the women that DO come

your way, since you won't have as many OPTIONS

at your fingertips.

You can CHANGE all this with getting over "approach

" once and for ALL.

And now you have the special opportunity to get this

jam-packed 1 hour audio program INSTANTLY

DOWNLOADED to your computer, so you can

start using it NOW and approaching women


Let me ASSURE you, this is absolutely not some

"pump up think positive!" advice- I PROMISE YOU


What you will learn in this proven program, called

"Obliterating Approach Anxiety", is based on



Doing this research took me a long time, and it took

even longer to test it out again and again for YEARS

before releasing it.

I really should be charging ten times more than I am

for this program. My programs are known for being

the very best, and this program is certainly worth

at least 1200, as simply FINDING this information

is almost impossible. Never mind also formulating

it all into a powerful course that can be mastered


This time, I've definitely jumped off the edge and dived

into the deep end of insanity by charging only 19.97

for this supremely powerful program.

This way, there is no excuse for any man on Earth to

NOT have this program.

Do YOU want to have this area of your life HANDLED?

Does it MATTER to you that you can finally ENJOY

having CHOICES with women?

Or are you just going to let this chance pass you by?

It's only 19.97, and the BENEFITS of this program will

last you FOREVER.

It's at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

Tags: mystery neil strauss  david deangelo advanced series  amy waterman  brent smith pua  power talk anthony robbins  richard bandler nlp  joseph oconnor  nonverbal communication theory  

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