With the following tips, you can approach online dating with a sense of security and the knowledge that will help you to avert disaster...while at the same time enhancing your dating life!
Never disclose your last name, address, place of employment, phone number, personal email, or any other identifying information when communicating with online love prospects. Most dating sites protect your identity through a double-blind system. If you have chosen a site where this system is unavailable, pick a creative nickname to guard your anonymity. Should a correspondent make you feel at all pressured to give out any personal information, cease contact-those who are truly interested will understand your need for protection.
An age old rule in the dating world, taking it slow is an important step to building a meaningful, healthy bond with another human being. And with the popularity of online dating in today's 2011, this rule should be held with even more value. You might think you know a person after a few emails, but the truth of the matter is that it could be anyone sitting on the other side of the internet. If you meet someone online who you feel could be a potential match, it can be tempting not to rush into meeting them face to face. But be tempted you mustn't. Take the time to exchange some "get to know you" emails and even a few phone calls to be sure that the person with whom you are communicating is genuine and even worthy of your precious time.
After you've taken some time to get to know your interest over the internet and through a phone call or two, it might be time to consider a meet and greet. This can be very thrilling and you might think you want an intimate setting, but remember that your safety is more important than romance on the first date. If this is truly the person you are meant to be with, there will be plenty of time to get close later.
* Do not have your date pick you up from home or work. Use your own transportation to meet in a crowded, public place.
* Make sure you let a friend or family member know the person's name of whom you are going out with, where you are going, and when you are expected back. Call this friend or family member after the date to let them know you made it home.
* Be observant and remain aware of your surroundings at all times. As alcohol is known to assist in throwing all judgment out the window, keep the drinks to a minimum. That extra glass of pinot grigio is nothing compared to your safety.
* Never leave personal belongings such as a purse, wallet, or cell phone unattended.
* Trust your instinct. Most of the time your gut is right, so if you feel that something is even the slightest bit off, trust it and call it quits.
* Never feel embarrassed of your precautions or behavior. Your safety is far more crucial than another person's opinion of you.
Know that tips such as these aren't meant to frighten you and steer you in the opposite direction of online dating. Dating in the cyber realm comes with some precautions, but that doesn't mean that there is an axe-wielding murderer lurking behind every ".com". Keep safety as your number one priority and online dating can be a very rewarding process through which you could potentially meet your match!
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