Eric Disco

Eric Disco's Information

Also representing Pickup 101,one of the oldest, most respected companies in the industry, we've got Eric. 33 years old and living in New York City, Eric has coached and instructed for Pickup 101 as well as being invited as a guest for other local New York City gurus. He specializes in day game, killer NYC fashion and teaching guys how to manage approach anxiety.

Eric grew up in New Jersey and became interested in pickup in the late 90s, reading Eric Weber and eventually moving on to David D. After reading the 'the Game' in early 2005, mastering pickup became a priority in his life. He hasn't looked back since. He's out on the street every single day approaching women, refining his game... developing new concepts and testing them. He co-authored a book on fashion for pickup artists and is currently writing his own book on pickup.

Eric will be sharing the most exciting breakthroughs he's had with pickup at this seminar, you don't want to miss his presentation.

His writings, probing podcasts with dating gurus, and in-person coaching, Eric has been an inspiration for men in finding their true inner confidence.

Eric Disco's Photos

Eric Disco Album 1 Pua Disco EricEric Disco Album Portrait Disco Eric

Eric Disco's Related Books and Media Materials

Beleif Buster KitSuperar Rupturas Olvidar Amor Separacion Matrimonio Y ParejaIdentityCupido RedThe Art Of Approaching Stylelife EditionAlpha Books 10 Minute Guide To Managing Your TimeThe Hypno Zebu Language Card Game ManualRadical Inner Game

Tags: paul janka  wayne dyer  andrew levine  

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