1. Aptitude, Approximate and spot matter.
2. Methods : Difficulty methods, Topic Studies, clinical and defense methods, Sort of psychological studies.
3. Physiological Basis, System and functions of the cowardly systems, functions of the endocrine system.
4. Psychosis of Behaviour, Family vehicle, Sour factors, Rebel and maturation, To the point court case studies.
5. Cognitive processes (I) : Arrangement, Perceptual Outfit ; Perceptual organisation, Arrangement of form, colour, potency and time, Perceptual texture, Serve of motivation, Companionable and cultural factors in perceptions.
6. Cognitive Processes (II) : Erudition. Erudition manner. Erudition theories; Replica conditioning, Operant conditioning, Bill and slip and Conception theories, Perceptual learning. Erudition and motivation. Oral learning. Motor learning.
7. Cognitive Processes (III) : Respect. Indicator of thanks. Shortterm protect. Normal protect. Forgetting. Theories of forgetting.
8. Cognitive Processes (IV) : Thought. Psychosis of thinking. Discourse and musing. Imagery. Knowledge formation. Sweat solving
9. Look after : Skin texture of gossip. Theories of gossip. Indicator of gossip. Look after and moistness.
10. Spur : Requirements, drives and motives. Classify of motives Indicator of motives. Theories of motivation.
11. Assumed role : Skin texture of personality. Triat and type approaches. Determinants of personality. Assumed role assessment : techniques and tests.
12. Coping Behaviour. Coping Mechanisms. Coping with frustration and stress. Conflicts.
13. Attitudes. Skin texture of attitudes. Theories of attitudes. Indicator of attitudes. Transfer of attitudes.
14. Reminder : Types of communication, Reminder manner. Reminder web. Distortion of communication.
15. Applications of psychology in industry, Letters and Federation.
1. Site of psychology in the family of social and behavioural sciences,. Skin texture, Aptitude and methods of psychology.
2. Fearful system; information and outdoor. Endocrine glands in context of human behaviour. Localisation of brains functions.
3. Heed and perception: Significance, kinds and determinants of attention, Filteration,; Shifts; Division; Inattentiveness, Undulation, Area of attention, Number sequence conceding, Admirably sense, Figure-ground, Organizational ideals of sense, Solidity and Separate sense, Extent sense, sense of motion, Illusion: Kinds, Theories, Factors, influencing sense.
4. Emotion: Sort of emotional behaviour, Terms of emotions. Serve of cowardly system and endocrine glands in emotions. Theories of Emotion: James Lange and Cannon Versifier.
5. Motivation: Requirements, Drives Motives, and incentives. Sort of goaded Behaviour. Indicator of Intend Recognition. Theories of Spur.
6. Erudition : Types of learning. Significance. Theories of sideways. Replica
and Operant conditioning. Conception. Bill and Dump learning. Laws of Erudition. Improve learning. Factors influencing Erudition. Erudition curves. Shift of training. Undemanding. Theories and Factors influencing Shift.
7. Respect and Forgetting: Skin texture of Respect Methods of Reproduction: Reclaim, Appreciation. Relearning, Rebuilding, Tension and matching associate learning. Factors influencing Remembering: Font and Amounts of material, methods of learning, Skin texture of forgetting: Forgetting curves. Causes of Forgetting.
8. Thought : Skin texture of Thought. Symbol processes. Knowledge formation. Problem solving. Wisdom. Far-seeing thinking, Discourse and Feeling.
9. Look after and Aptitudes: Skin texture, and determinants of gossip and aptitudes. Theories of gossip, Indicator of gossip and aptitudes. Makeup of IQ. Types of gossip and Knack Tests.
10. Personality: Skin texture and Theories of Personality: Habit and Font Theories; Freud's Psychoanalytical Sketch, Determinants of Assumed role. Indicator of Assumed role.
11. Attitudes: Skin texture, formation, parcel and change. Theories of Attitude; Take a break and Cognitive Conflict Sketch.
12. Nonstandard Behaviour: Knowledge. Conflicts and frustration. Mental Mechanisms. Causes of Nonstandard Behaviour. Spur and Cash. Methods of Assessing Nonstandard Behaviour.
Unit-I Psychosis Psychology: growth and Psychosis, Principles and Stages of Psychosis, Companionable, Affecting and Righteous Psychosis. Psychosis Farm duties.
Unit-II Working out and Counselling: Significance, Aptitude, Intend, Feature involving Working out and Counselling. Areas: Vocational, Assistant professor, personal, Group Working out. Techniques: Regulation, Non-directive, Stimulating, Group Counselling.
Unit-III Gangster Behaviour: Types of Larceny. Notion of sin. Causes of sin. Modern-Urban changes and sin. War and Larceny. Esteem s for Reforming criminals. Larceny Appreciation methods. Burden of sin. Undeveloped Recklessness.
Unit-IV Psychology Convenient to Industry: people selection and class. Run and curb. Job Notion. Organization Make sure Techniques. Job Discharge. Methodological State of mind. Psychology of work and crash. Keep.
Unit-V Psychology of Groups: Force out Behaviour. Leadership: Types. Qualities. Functions. Theories. Group Behaviour. Group dynamics. Sociometry.
Unit-VI Assembly and Consistency of Psychological Test: Steps of Assembly and Consistency of Tests. Types of Reliability; Truthfulness and Norms, Functions and Restrictions of Psychological tests.
Unit-VII News in Psychology: Graphical representation of facts, Uses of Be more or less, Be in the region of, And Class. Events of Uncertainty. Quartile Unorthodoxy. Reasonable deformity. Cruel Unorthodoxy. Knowledge of union. Uses of Link in psychology. Percentile and percentile shape.
Unit-VIII Phychophysical Methods-Psychophysics: Must notion, problems of psychophysics. Replica Psychophysical methods- Approximate of Area, Approximate Chronic Stimuli and method of impartial slip. Restrictions of psychophysical Methods.
Unit-IX Patron Psychology: Interview, Mailed Create, Marketing, Spur. Sign, Suggest. Factors.
Unit-X Psychology of Married Adjustment: Bang and Bomb. Split up. Parental Issue. Sibling Rivalary. Dented home and family set a price.
Unit-XI Express need children: Knowledge. Types; Mentally Retarded. Bill. Orthopaedically handicapped. Approaches in behavior with them. Trial handicapped their item problems: Ecological, Companionable, Psychological, Assistant professor.FOR Widely SUBJECTS RAS EXAM Predetermine VISIT: RAS EXAM Predetermine
Reference: pickup-techniques.blogspot.com
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