Site Names In Pick Up

Site Names In Pick Up
As resident semi expert on domain names in pua community, i would like to say that most pick up site names SUCK. In capital letters. For number of reasons. Lets assume that pick up community will be growing more and more, year by year, which means more and more pick up guys start to teach pick up, or just starting fan sites/bloggs about pickup. How does one pick up guy separates himself from the other? there are few ways, one, reputation and two name of a company. Reputation is number one, it trumps all, but lets say pickup guy is alright, and next pickup guy next to him is alright, who wins? The one with better web site name, because he gets more searches and also direct traffic. Reputation takes time and effort to build, what does domain costs? 10 dollars, you wont substitue it for reputation but you sure can enhances your reputation (and make growing your site much easier), by selecting right name for your site.

I see all this crazy names like, lets analyze it. For search engines its not bad, since it come up as first search for pua. Yet, if someone would tell a friend about it, what you going to say? Pick HyphenUpHyphen how does that sounds? not very efficient. Do you know how much it loses visitors to (without hyphens?) A lot. about 40% of direct type in traffic. Or lets take as example name, who will search for charisma arts as pickup coaching service if they dont know that it is? No Body. On top of that, if my domain name directly matches search results, lets say, I am much more likely to be shown first just because google trusts my name. Google me, you will see that i am ranked as top in my searches just because of the name. I wont even talk about Mysteries Vinnusian arts, to this day i don't know how to spell it correctly. So please, get easy to remember and spell name.

Dont use hyphens in pick-up, this is a fad, putting one extra key is sure way to lose people when you telling them about your site.

Pua guys seem to not understand the value of generic name, so lets say you want to start a pua blog. You can make it "my life views...blaha blha" or "PUA blogs". Then guess which blog is going to get more traffic and relevance in search engines. The bigger communty becomes the more your domain name is important. You might do pick up for fun, not as a coach, but you still should try the best possible domain for your site.

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