Paul Janka The Pickup Artist

Paul Janka The Pickup Artist


Who is PAUL JANKA? He is a renowned pickup artist who works the New York streets and admits to having bedded over 130 women. His end goal is always sex and he has the attitude and looks to get any woman he wants.

PAUL JANKA went on". Phil" show off his street game and it seems like the pickup is his actual job - he is so professional at it.


1- Paul Janka has written a poisonous manifesto ebook called designed to help men pick up women and get them into bed.

2- Paul Janka runs a 1,500 seminar called "ROCK SOLID GAME", in which he teaches men his tricks of the pickup trade.

3- Paul Janka is talking to Showtime about creating a TV series about his pickup tactics.

4- Paul Janka has been accused of attempting to date rape women, although he brushes off the accusations as a joke.

On his website, PAUL JANKA writes about his everyday trials and tribulations with the pickup and varying women.

He's hot, no doubt, and I'm pretty sure that that has a lot to do with the amount of women he gets to pickup in a given day, so I feel sorry for the Costanzas of the world who think that his seminars will give them "ROCK SOLID GAME".

Also, PAUL JANKA can't be that smart if he went on". Phil (SEE VIDEO BELOW) to talk about his pickup games.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Daniel Johnson - Using The Cube The Pickup Artists Secret Weapon

Juggler - How To Be A Pickup Artist

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